Members of the media who cover proceedings in the U.S. Courthouse and the portion of the John O. Pastore Building that is occupied by the Court, may find the following information useful in the coverage of court events. For more information about the Court, please visit the Public Resources section by clicking here.
Use of Cameras and Recording and Videotaping Devices –No person shall use a device to photograph, record, broadcast, videotape any court proceeding, event or activity in or from any interior portion of the U.S. Courthouse or the portion of the John O. Pastore Building that is occupied by the Court. Videotaping, recording, or photographing court ceremonies and educational programs may be permitted with prior approval by the Court upon such terms and conditions as the Court may specify. See LR Gen 112(b).
Cell Phones, Laptops, Tablets and Other Electronic Devices - Members of the media may bring cellular phones, laptops, and/or other electronic devices into a courtroom and may use those devices in the courtroom for reporting on those proceedings, including electronic transmissions, provided that the directives of the notice below have been met.
Access to Hearings and Trials - In most cases, hearings and trials are open to members of the media and the public. In certain high-profile cases, the Court may put special procedures in place to address the unique issues related to conducting a high-profile case. The Court may designate another courtroom or area of the Courthouse as a remote location for video and audio transmission of the proceeding. While members of the media who have been approved for the use of electronic devices may use such devices in a remote location provided that the judicial officer has approved a standing exemption to LR Gen 112, photographing, filming, broadcasting, visual or audio recording of any proceeding are strictly prohibited. Failure to abide by these rules may result in court sanctions, including the revocation of an approved Request for the Use of Electronic Devices.
Access to Court Records - PACER (Public Access to Court Electronic Records) is an electronic public access service that allows users to obtain case and docket information for federal circuit, district, and bankruptcy courts, and the U.S. Party/Case Index via the Internet. Links to all courts are provided on the Courts’ Internet sites. Electronic access is available by registering with the PACER Service Center, the judiciary’s centralized registration, billing, and technical support center. Information pertaining to the PACER site can be found by clicking here.
Monitoring Cases of Interest - Members of the media may request to monitor particular civil and criminal non-sealed cases by signing up to receive automatic e-mail notifications of electronic filings (NEFs) made in specific civil and criminal non-sealed cases which they designate. Members of the media interested in establishing an account must review the below notice and complete and submit a Media Registration for CM/ECF Access to Cases of Interest form found below.