Electronic Exhibit Stickers
Attorneys must premark all exhibits before submitting them to the Court for a trial or evidentiary hearing. Exhibit stickers can be obtained from the Clerk's Office or the electronic versions linked below can be used.
Submitting Exhibits to the Court for a Trial or Evidentiary Hearing
All trial and hearing exhibits must be provided to the Court electronically through Box.com. Attorneys should contact the judge's case manager for a Box.com link. (Note: If you are looking for information on submitting exhibits to the Court in connection with case filings, click here.)
For electronically submitted exhibits, files must follow this naming convention:
(exhibit number)-(exhibit part)_(exhibit description).(file extension)
Example listing of valid exhibit file names:
"1-a_photograph.jpg", "12_2009 Tax Statement.pdf", "35d.pdf",
"12(a)_camera footage.wmv"
Requirements for Electronic Exhibit File Types
All electronic evidence should be provided using the following formats:
- Documents: .pdf
- Photographs: .jpg, .bmp, .tif, .gif
- Video and Audio Recordings: .avi, .wmv, .mpg, .mp3, .mp4, .wma, .wav