This section is for jurors who have been selected as a Trial or Grand Juror.
Trial Jurors
Instructions: Sitting Trial Jurors should follow the reporting instructions provided by the presiding judge.
Contact: Sitting Trial Jurors should contact the Jury Office at (401) 752-7232.
Inclement Weather: Jurors who are scheduled to report during a weather closing or other court cancellation should contact the Court’s Automated Jury Information System at (401) 752-7290 for updates before leaving for the courthouse. Also, jurors may be contacted by the Automated Jury Information System with additional reporting instructions as necessary.
Grand Jurors
Instructions: SItting Grand Jurors should follow the reporting instructions provided by the United States Attorney's Office.
Contact: Sitting Grand Jurors should contact the United States Attorney's Office at (401) 709-5000.