Prospective jurors who are deemed to be qualified to serve as a juror may receive a summons for jury service. The summons will come by US Mail, and contain the date (or dates) and time that you will need to appear for jury selection. Click here for an example of a summons.
Completing the Summons
Jurors must complete the Juror Information Form attached to the bottom summons form within 5 days of receipt. Jurors can complete this form electronically through eJuror or by filling out the form and returning it to the Jury Office.
Excuse or Postponement of Jury Service
Any request for excusal or postponement of your jury service must be in writing by mail or email, and be submitted no later than 5 days before your reporting date. Please include your name and participant number on all submitted documents. Please note that the Court does not excuse or postpone jury service over the phone. If you are requesting an excusal or postponement for medical reasons, please have your doctor complete the Physician’s Statement for Medical Excuse form. The Jury Office will notify you by mail or email within 7-10 days after the Court has reviewed your request to be excused or postponed. You can also check on the status of your excuse or postponement request by calling the Automated Juror Information System at (401) 752- 7290, and entering your participant number.
Job Protection
You are protected by Federal Statute, Title 28 U.S.C. Section 1875, from being discharged, intimidated or coerced by your permanent employer because of your Federal Court jury service. Further information is available from the jury office.